About EPUU

EPUU to Provide Global English Education for Global Citizens

      Global Citizen として活躍するための基盤英語英語プログラムEPUU


EPUU(English Program of Utsunomiya University)は、宇都宮大学基盤教育の一環として、入学する全員の学生の皆さんが履修する全学部共通の英語プログラムです。EPUUでは、「読む」「書く」「話す」「聴く」の4技能を総合的に学修しコミュニケーションの力をつけるとともに、異文化に対する理解を深め、グローバルな感覚を身につけていくことができます。


Message from EPUU Coordinator

Chieko Mimura

  A warm welcome to the English Program of Utsunomiya University (EPUU). We live in a fast changing, interconnected world where English has become the international language of communication. To meet the challenges of this new world, and to create citizens who can successfully communicate in an international environment, EPUU was created.

  It is not enough to simply learn the English language. In today’s globalized world, certain skills have become a necessity such as working together, thinking critically, delivering opinions, making presentations, negotiating and persuading. Therefore, the program was designed so students can actively practice and develop both their practical English ability and the skills needed for further study or future employment.

  I think learning a language is not easy, but it is a challenge that can be an exciting, life-changing experience. It is important for all involved, both teachers and students, to study and learn together and to create a warm, positive learning environment. I challenge you to use all of EPUU’s facilities and to take full advantage of all the opportunities that EPUU provides.

  It is my hope that through English you will find out how exciting it is to communicate with people from all over the world, and you will be inspired to continue studying the language long after your university English classes have finished.


Chieko Mimura Professor / EPUU Director





Floor Map





〒321-8505 栃木県宇都宮市峰町350 宇都宮大学 基盤教育センター EPUU共同研究室


